With crisis comes opportunity

I am definitely a firm believer that we should not be frustrated or down once we arrive at a crisis but don't take it from me. It was Albert Einstein who said, “in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.” 

Notice he even used the adjective: "great" to describe the opportunities that lie ahead.

Of course, we know that Einstein was not talking about a worldwide pandemic at the time but he did not exclude any crisis either, and here is why I believe that it applies.

The immediate reaction from people when a crisis begins is confusion, anxiety, fear, and disbelief. You don't have to feel all of them but it is very likely that you will go through at least one of them. Some people may go as far as all of the above. You may even see a few people who experience panic which is even more advanced. 

So, how do all of those feelings turn into opportunities? I know it sounds awful and now that we have all gone through a worldwide crisis we can all understand what may provoke those reactions. What not all of us take into consideration is that there is light at the end of the tunnel and the bigger the crisis the greater the opportunity.

There may be a short period where we are all in disbelief. This is happening to "them" it won't happen to me. Then things start to become more real and we enter that second state of confusion. "Wait a minute, is this really happening?" 

Here is where a line is drawn in the sand and people separate into two groups. Those who get anxious and begin to fear or even panic about what may happen and those who figure out that it is time to step on the other side of that line. 

Of course, then you ask the question, how do you know that things will be ok? The answer is simple. They always are. It is a matter of looking at history, looking at facts and if that is not your thing then it is a matter of hope and faith. I am sure you want to be on the right side of that line on the sand so I have some good news for you.

The timing works in mysterious ways. It is not the same for everyone. The opportunities for those in Canada may be different than the one of those in Serbia as well as those of us in the U.S. Even more, those in one city may have different options than those in other cities due to the state of the crisis there. What makes it even more peculiar is that the opportunities in one city will be different for one person to another. 

Why is that? Well for starters every city may have its own regulations or restrictions but this is actually where we all look at the opportunity the same way. What really makes each opportunity different is two factors. Our own state of mind and what we can bring to the table. 

Why is the state of mind so important? Well, because that is what will keep us on the right side of the line. We will be in the group we all want to be. the ones who will not panic, the ones who will not fear, the ones who will not give up.

What can we bring to the table? Well, that is really up to you and that is where you must think outside the box but look at it this way...

The more experienced the better.

The more educated the better.

The more prepared the better. 

The more creative the better.

The faster the better.

When it comes to new opportunities, all of the above will factor in when analyzing your chances of you being on top when we get out of the crisis.

Now, let me give you the best news of all. If you are here and you are reading this there is a strong chance that you may be looking for those opportunities. Even if you don't have all the attributes from the list, for example; let's say you lack the experience but you are getting your education and you have all the will. The playing field has been leveled at this moment in time in our industry. 

I believe we will get back to normal but it will not be overnight. Therefore we must do something about it and adapt for two reasons. We need to come back sooner and have options for our patrons that continue to provide our amazing services but in a safe manner that creates consumer confidence and last but not least just in case, this happens again in the future you will have the upper hand.




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